Gerard Daniel News

Article: Filtration Mesh Micron Ratings

Do Filtration Mesh Micron Ratings Have You Nominally Confused or Absolutely Confused? Kevin Gilbert May 1, 2023 Among the specifications used to describe wire mesh are the terms “nominal” and “absolute.” Initially, there seemed to be a bit of confusion about their meaning and the distinction between the two. After looking into it a bit,…

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Article: Pressure filter leaves for food and beverage applications

Food and beverage processors use pressure leaf filtration to remove fine sediments that spoil the flavor, texture and appearance of beverages, as well as leftover yeast and bacteria that can compromise shelf life of fermented beverages. Kevin Gilbert April 21, 2022 Pressure leaf filters have been a key component of liquid processing since the 1940s….

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Article: Gerard Daniel Develops Filtration and Separation Applications

Gerard Daniel Evolves as Customer Driven Engineered Solutions Provider for Critical Filtration and Separation Applications Gerard Daniel Worldwide has grown to be a leading engineered solution provider of mesh products used in a wide array of filtration and separation applications. The company, founded in 1952, became known as the “wire-mesh superstore’” and built its reputation…

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Article: SEPARATOR: New GDW Machine a Hit in Montreal

HANOVER, P – Gerard Daniel Worldwide (GDW) a leading manufacturer and distributor of industrial wire cloth, screening, and separator products, is pleased to report that the GDW Separator Products Division’s (  booth at the recent Powder & Bulk Solids Trade Show in Montreal was a great success. Scott Miller, business unit manager said that trade show attendees…

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